Print-maker on the loose
I am a visual artist, print-maker and photographer; my Cyanotype work is a path to exploring the relationship between light and pattern. Most patterns I make are with botanicals and they are layered with fabric patterns to create a juxtaposition of colors. This process of connecting with nature in a visual way, and bringing it into engaging spaces is what inspires my home decor or public art, allowing me to make statement pieces that form a spatial experience.
I treat my fabric, expose it, build my art and curate entire pieces all within my studio.
The use of patterns are also seen in my print work. Brush strokes, leaf formations, texture, paper type, exposure times- all of these are used to enhance the visual effects and create a piece that engages with the viewer. I strive to add emotion, whimsy, beauty and magic in my Cyanotype prints.
Sri Thumati. Artist, print-maker, photographer, full-time Mama, part-time hiker